Plight that led to death flight …. a lie..!!

Alka Shukla
3 min readNov 4, 2020


Here is a poem of breaking faith. The summary of same has been mentioned. Hope you all will likeit.

Head full of stiches
Memory lost somewhere
Trying hard to remember any past incidence
But failing constantly..
No sign of evidence clicks
Everything just shrinks
Sobbing inconsolably
That’s my life ahead probably

At the same time enters an angel
Can’t see his face but can hear him well
Scintillating beam of light
Gives glimpse of his sight
Heart skipped a beat
He sounds so sweet…

Came towards me,
Leaned on my shoulder whispered in my ears
Taking away all my fears
I felt a bit happy
He gave me injection to be sleepy

Started asking questions
To which I kept answering
Without my own consent
My thoughts just went
He seemed interesting
He poked my heart or maybe pinged

Pinged my numbness
To bring me back to life
Somewhere I knew it’s just a hype
He too will leave me
Like all left
I cannot say the same to him
He spoke words half trimmed
He was like a secret agent
Taking information from me like I was his peasant

I told him all I remembered
But was unable to fulfill his quest
I was drowsy, and was tired of being treated as pest

He offered me glass of cold water
To sue my sleep
I drank and came to senses
Only to know..
That I’m a prime witness of high profile kidnapping
He seemed bothered of my condition
But his work demanded no personal aeration
His work was to take all the happening clue,
To trace the culprit before they flew
I wasn’t able to cope up longer
His queries made me weaker
But his personal presence made me stronger

This happened for two days
He tried different ways
To make me recollect
The deeds,
I failed to remember any incidence
I saw his changing behavior
What a coincidence? ?

I still feel the pain,
He said he lost the case and I too did not gain

In disbelief one evening
I started getting flashback of
The same person as kidnapper
I called him and told him the same
He rushed and came to see me
And that was the last time
He did not ask me anything
Instead said… don’t tell this to anyone
“I know you like me
And I like you alot”
Those words made me comfortable
And my body rejected everything else
Meanwhile my phone rang
As soon I turned back to lift,
There he shooted me with his gun

While breathing last few breath
Chronically imagined his pleasing appearance
Which has brought me death,
Everything he told me was lie
He was scared of getting caught
He killed me to save himself
A tear tickled down my cheek
And there everything gets dark and bleak

when I came to my senses I felt a severe pain in my head, as soon I touched the head I realized to have stiches but the worst was I didn’t knew the reason of why I had those on my head. When I was lost in all these a gentleman appeared in my room. He was here to interrogate me, he tried hard to make me remember everything that had happened but all his efforts failed and he left. After few days while sitting on my couch I started getting memories of all that I was and that I went through and to my surprise I always got this man’s face. I saw him as putting a person forcefully in his van, when he saw me witnessing his deeds he hit me hard on my head with some heavy object.

While leaving he gave me his number and said call “only” me whenever you remember anything, so I made a call to him. .. he arrived only to make me leave this world for forever.

Trust — is also a string of hope which cannot be kept by all…….



Alka Shukla

My write-ups are based on true experience's in the form of poems and stories & Motivation | “You will not go empty handed from here.” | Blogger | Reader |